Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Starting us off...

So this is the main character (well... pretty much only character) in my thesis. It was inspired by what I see as negative sources of information (television), and the narrow-mindedness that comes with it. I'm also doing a music video so I figured a TV screen is very fertile ground to represent a lot of things in an easy and metaphorically subtle way. Let me know what you think!


  1. The look of the character is pretty cool - maybe consider having the machinery break out of that biped form at some point. The idea is neat too, but I think it needs development - still, you're on a good track already.

  2. I saw this on your blog! i like the gorillaz girl you did :). you have a lot of potential use out of that tv head. It could turn out to be a great visual trip with all the head may display. I like the concept behind it, but watch out because your subject matter is very big. It may be hard for you to make it short and sweet. You may, if you havent already, consider a short narrative for that character that would be easy to follow and keep your mind on a straight path, rather than all over the place.

    Can't wait for more and thanks for being the first sweet post!

  3. Also, Ben, i checked out your thesis blog. Sweet start. Please post away on here too. More support headed your way!

  4. Just in case you haven't seen this (via Motionographer a couple months back):

    Anthony Francisco Schepperd - "The Music Scene"


  5. Nice weird video response from Steve. :P But in all seriousness it brings out great ideas. I like how the red wires of the tv created the human and came alive. The music is really great for the moments of morphing the animals and humans as well. Also, how the tv's have eyes and have total control with what they want to expose the humans to.
